I made contact with Ken Rasberry about his BMWs he was selling and the reason for the sale. I was mainly interested in his R60/5 and not his R80RT but after talking with him I passed on the R80 lead to two of my friends. One of them wanted the bike so I made plans to pick them both up plus any spares Ken want to go with the bikes.
Changed the oil in the truck, stopped by U Haul for a trailer and the bank for a check. From there I headed to Ken's place in North Carolina about 435 miles away.
Crossed in to NC and stopped for gas and a bottle of water. About 20 miles from that stop the truck started to run poorly. I could only get to about 55 MPH and suspected some bad fuel so I made a beeline to an auto parts store and bought Sea Foam to try to correct the problem. The truck started to run better after about 20 minutes so I continued on the trip. Near Ken's the engine ran rough and I figured a plugged injector. I refueled, got a room at Comfort Inn and settled in about 9 pm.
In the morning (5am) cleaned up and went to Wal Mart for some tie down straps. Went to Auto Zone and picked up some new plugs and wires hoping that it would help too since they have not been changed in a while. Drove to Ken's about 7am, visited a while, talked BMW's, tried to do some engine repair but Bikes were more important. Loaded everything and Ken suggested stopping by a friends shop for repairs. I started the truck and slowly pulled away. I mean real SLOWLY. I could only get about 30 MPH top speed.
At Ron's shop he thought I was on the right track and suggested another can of Sea Foam and leave the plugs alone. Bought some on the way out and drove around locally for 30 min. Started to get back up to about 50 MPH so I headed north.
About 15 minutes later back to 35 MPH, and mind you in a 70 MPH zone. I passed a Ford Dealer, turned around and asked for a injector flush and new fuel filter. 5 hours later, yes I was there for 5 hours and rescued briefly by Ken, we went and got lunch, the truck came out of the shop worse then when it went in. I had enough.
I called the local U Haul and the lady said she was closing early and passed me to another location, Beth was very helpful and worked hard to get me what I needed even though she did not have the trailer to haul the truck. We had multiple calls between us and built up a good relationship. She made arrangements for me 10 miles south in Calabash, NC. I called that location and the lady said I need to get there before 4:30 because she wanted to leave early. Off I went, about 20 MPH with flashers on in a 70 MPH zone.
About 2 miles from Calabash U Haul calls and said that that person had a family emergency and had to leave so they redirected me to Little River South Carolina another 12 miles south. Now my speed is 15-20 MPH.
My GPS could not locate the address and I crossed over the International Water Way Bridge at about 10 MPH. Called the new place and got directions but I had to re-cross the bridge. I found a safe place to turn around and my speed dropped to 10-15 MPH.
As I started up the bridge the speed would not even record on the speedometer so I was below 10 MPH near the crest of the bridge I figure I was doing maybe 1-2 MPH. I said a silent prayer to Saint Henry that the Ford would make it to the top and I did. On the other side with a down hill run got to 30 MPH and turned into the dealer. I'm so happy that my wise VA doctor prescribed a mild antidepressant for me while I'm going through cancer treatment because if that Ford Ranger had enough power I would have driven it off that bridge into the water way.
Harold was real nice and helpful. Set me up with a truck and carrier. We off loaded the R80 to the truck, left the R60 on the my Ranger but now the Ford would not make it up the ramp......Luck was on my side because two of the employees just came back and had a come-a-long. But it was too short so short shanking a chain and re-hooking 4 times we got the Ranger on the trailer. I had $25 cash with me and gave it to the guys. They saved me at that point, said my goodbyes and headed north, now in light rain.
About 150 miles out the rain was so heavy and hard that the wipers could not remove it. The right wiper began to come apart and 1/3 of it was now slapping on the windshield in tempo with the music on the radio. I could not see unless I applied washer solution to help lube the wipers but that soon gave out and I was looking for an exit.
At the exit I took the first motel and got a room. Wasn't the best but dry and warm. About 2:30 am Tasquilla and Jamal, my neighbors, started arguing about who paid for the "sh*t". Not really sure what the "sh*t" was but really didn't want to know. The argument was loud and strong, I looked over at the table and saw a motel information book and was wondering who the Parton Saint of the Quality Inn was didn't want to move from the bed because I at least had the TV and dresser to help stop any bullets if they began to fly. Everything clamed down by 4 so I got up showered, packed and got out.
Went to the front desk and turned in my pass key to the girl with the dragon tattoo (I'm sure she had one somewhere, her arms were covered with everything else), grabbed a coffee cup, filled it with corn flakes and orange juice (the only thing there at that time) and headed for home.
About 180 miles from home Delice calls needing a air pump to fill her birthing pool, She and Carlos are staying at my farmhouse and she is now ready to have her baby. Told Carlos to use the small air compressor in the shop but they though I meant to take the pool to the shop which means it would not fit back into the house....once we got that straight the "strangest thing happened".
I like singing to my self when on the road in a car, truck or motorcycle. I started singing Arlo Guthrie's "City of New Orleans",
Riding on the City Of New Orleans
Illinois Central, Monday morning rail
Fifteen cars and fifteen restless riders
Three Conductors; twenty-five sacks of mail
All along the southbound odyssey - the train pulls out of Kankakee
And rolls along past houses, farms, and fields
Passing trains that have no name, and freight yards full of old black men
And the graveyards of the rusted automobile
And all of a sudden a hot flash went through my whole body, from the top of my head to my toes, I felt so comfortable and peaceful, nothing seemed to matter.
I made it home and a few minutes later Delice had her baby (It's a Girl !) I unloaded the motorcycle stuff, came home and wrote down my story.
NOW, Was this an Adventure or a Nightmare?
Here are some photos.

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